How to Use pull through in a Sentence
pull through
Whether the Suns or the Bulls pull through is a moot point.
—Jon Michail, Forbes, 23 May 2022
Then, pass the needle through the stitch and pull through.
—Emily Vanschmus, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Apr. 2021
The trees are then put through a chute where the tree is pulled through and wrapped in mesh.
—Peter Cox, The Seattle Times, 8 Dec. 2017
Once the hair is pulled through the cap, the stylist paints on the bleach, lets the hair process, and then rinses.
—Kelsi Zimmerman, Allure, 2 Mar. 2018
Fold the right side up and over the left side, pulling through to create a knot.
—Maggie Burch, Southern Living, 24 Jan. 2024
Step 2: Yarn over and pull through both loops on your hook.
—Mariana Tuma, Good Housekeeping, 24 Aug. 2021
Step 5: Yarn over again and pull through the final two loops.
—Mariana Tuma, Good Housekeeping, 17 Aug. 2021
Start at the base of the lash and wiggle the brush side to side to get the coat started and then pull through up the ends.
—Madison Yauger, Peoplemag, 16 June 2023
Plates of food are stacked outside the cells at mealtimes and pulled through the bars.
—David Culver, CNN, 6 Nov. 2024
Feed the plain end of the rope through the loop created by the knot on the other end and pull through.
—Emma Bazilian, House Beautiful, 22 July 2020
As the wine pulls through the spout, the wine opens up and slightly oxidizes.
—Andrew Watman, Forbes, 6 Dec. 2024
The engine screams, shaking slightly, as the bar pulls through the wood.
—James Lynch, Popular Mechanics, 9 Feb. 2018
He was beaten, stabbed and hanged from a rope pulled through the bars of a jail window.
—Maureen C. Gilmer, Indianapolis Star, 27 Apr. 2018
To clear the drinking hose, tie knots along a skinny piece of twine or string and pull through the hose.
—James Lynch, Popular Mechanics, 28 Mar. 2019
Yet, Kenan pulled through when many of his peers with Krabbe did not.
—Amy Dickinson,, 4 Oct. 2017
Over 50 wagons were filled with food and pulled through town by the students.
—Mikala Kane,, 25 Oct. 2019
Wrap the other piece over it and pull through under the center.
—Charlyne Mattox, Country Living, 11 Sep. 2022
Step 3: Yarn over and pull through to create a second loop on your hook.
—Mariana Tuma, Good Housekeeping, 30 June 2021
The share of water that Payson can pull through its pipe varies depending on the year’s rain and snow.
—, 21 June 2022
The hope is that the drug would help a patient who already has the disease improve and pull through.
—Mark Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 19 Mar. 2020
Stores, theaters and schools were closed, and wagons were pulled through the streets to collect corpses.
—Elizabeth Outka, The Conversation, 28 Oct. 2019
Squeeze your shoulder blades back and together, and pull through your arms to raise the weights to your waist.
—K. Aleisha Fetters, Outside Online, 19 June 2019
Duke stayed in the game and tied it at 58-58 midway through the second half before Louisville could pull through.
—Lucas Aulbach, The Courier-Journal, 19 Jan. 2020
The Red Sox rallied and got the go-ahead run to the plate, but closer Alexis Díaz pulled through with the final outs.
—Charlie Goldsmith, The Enquirer, 31 May 2023
The mildness of steamed cod was sparked by a piquant thread of anchovy pulled through its flesh.
—Craig Laban,, 9 Dec. 2017
In one session, Ping and her crewmates pull through the water.
—John Branch Adam Stoltman, New York Times, 14 July 2023
The pair had the surgeries in August and pulled through with flying colors.
—Aj Willingham, CNN, 6 Dec. 2019
The desperation of the game's first act quickly lets up as the band pulls through the mountains and sets camp.
—Daniel Starkey, Ars Technica, 25 Oct. 2018
Did the skipper think this was a Buck Rogers episode, where the unflappable hero always pulls through in the end?
—David Wolman, Smithsonian Magazine, 8 Jan. 2025
Going up against one of the most physical teams in the nation, the Bulldogs likely won't be able to pull through in the end.
—George Monastiriakos, Newsweek, 30 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pull through.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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